István Mészáros (born in 1930) left his native Hungary after the Soviet invasion of 1956. He is professor emeritus at the University of Sussex, where he held the Chair of Philosophy for fifteen years. Mészáros is the author of Beyond Capital, Power of Ideology, The Work of Sartre, and Marx's Theory of Alienation.
István Mészáros in memoriam, TL:n muistoja, 16.2.2020
István Mészáros, The Necessity of Social Control. Monthly Review Press 2015. (E) (Suomenkielinen arvio)
István Mészáros, The Structural Crisis of Capital. Monthly Review Press 2010.
István Mészáros, The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time: Socialism in the Twenty-First Century. Monthly Review Press 2008.
The Unfolding Crisis and the Relevance of Marx, 20 April 2009
Pääoman kriisi selittää hyvinvointivaltion ahdingon, teoksessa Tapani Lausti: Toisinajattelun tiekartta, Like 2004
István Mészáros, Beyond
Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition. Merlin Press 1995.
István Mészáros: Pääoman tuolle puolen, Tamas Matekovits, 19.1.2014
Mészáros and Chávez: The Philosopher and the Llanero by Chris Gilbert, Monthly Review, 1 June 2022
The Uncontrollability of Globalizing Capital, Monthly Review, 1 February 1998
The Historical Challenges Facing the Socialist Movement by István Mészáros and John Bellamy Foster, MR Online, 26 March 2021
Capital's Historic Circle Is Closing, Monthly Review, December 2017
István Mészáros (1930–2017) by The Editors, Monthly Review, December 2017
Obituary: István Mészáros, hungarian Marxist political philosopher who taught at St Andrews by Terry Brotherstone, MR Online, 25 November 2017
Mészáros and the Emancipatory Transition: Beyond Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Irv Kurki, MR Zine, 5 June 2015
Mészáros and the Critique of the Capital System by John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review, December 2014
Reflections on the New International, Monthly Review, February 2014
Barbarism on the Horizon: An Interview With István Mészáros by Eleonora de Lucena, MR Zine, 31 December 2013
Chávez, a Reader of Mészáros by Emir Sader, MR Zine, 11 March 2013
Structural Crisis Needs Structural Change, Monthly Review, March 2012
The Dialectic of Structure and History: An Introduction, Monthly Review, May 2011
Beware Greek-style cuts to services, Letters, The Guardian, 7 May 2010
A Structural Crisis of the System: Interview with István Mészáros by Judith Orr and Patrick Ward, MR Zine, 17 January 2009
The Unfolding Crisis and the Relevance of Marx, MR Zine, 11 November 2008
he Communal System and the Principle of Self-Critique, Monthly Review, March 2008
Marx and the Credit Crunch, MR Zine, 7 November 2008
The New Crisis of Capitalism, YouTube, 13 May 2008
Monthly Review, July-August 2007 |
Monthly Review, April 2007 |
Monthly Review, October 2006 |
Monthly Review, September 2006 |
Monthly Review, Janurary 2004 |
Monthly Review, June 2003 |
The Challenge of Sustainable Development and the Culture of Substantive Equality |
Monthly Review, December 2001 |
Monthly Review, April 1993 |
Radical Philosophy, No 62/1992 |